
Wednesday, May 8, 2019

CJ7 Transfer Case Torque Damper Replacement

I've been trying to isolate an intermittent buzzing/vibration noise while downshifting.  Usually low RPM and usually from 3rd-2nd, or 2nd-1st.

Took it to the shop and they decided it was the clutch throwout bearing and replaced the entire clutch with a new one from LUK.

NOT THE PROBLEM... $700 down the tubes.

I was thinking it was the speedometer cable, but the other day it did it while pulling into the garage and it seemed louder than what a cable would produce.

While changing the transmission fluid,  I noticed that the transfer case torque dampener was loose where it attaches to the crossmember and decided that could be the culprit.

Lumpy Grits over at Jeep_CJ suggested a 1/2" all-thread solution so I came up with this.

  • 4 1/2" 1/2-13 tap bolt (could have been 4").
  • 1/2" fender washers (thick).
  • Damper bushings
  • 1/2-13 Crimp nuts
  • Locktite

Decided to use a lag bolt so that I could get some purchase on the bolt while tightening the crimp nuts.  

Tightened the bushings so that they were firmly seated to each other, but not deforming.  Mostly didn't want them to free-spin and apply some pressure to the nut. 

Like I said... 4" would have worked.  May grind off some... might not.

Well, that wasn't it... buzz still there.  Speedometer cable next.